Year 3 enjoyed a fantastic trip to RHS Harlow Carr, where they explored the world of recyclable and non-recyclable materials. The pupils examined various types of packaging and discovered eco-friendly alternatives made from potatoes, coconuts, sweetcorn, and mushrooms.

Pupils then learned how to use a paper pot maker to create eco-friendly seed pots for planting phacelia ‘scorpion-weed’ seeds, before venturing into the greenhouse of the kitchen garden to plant the seeds.

To conclude the visit, the children explored the magnificent grounds of Harlow Carr, including gardens, woodlands, wildlife habitats, treehouses, play areas, and breathtaking outdoor scenery.

Despite the unseasonable weather, the children were deeply engaged and connected with this enriching experience, which they will continue to study throughout the week.

Parents, please keep us updated on the progress of the plants! They need regular watering and should be planted out once the green shoots appear.